Optimizing FX risk management: From strategy to seamless execution

Effective foreign exchange (FX) risk management requires tailored strategies for…

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Virtual account management – visibility, control, and efficiency

What is a virtual account? Why do banks offer them…

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Improving cash visibility with bank statement reporting

What is bank statement reporting? Bank statement reporting is the…

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​What, why, and how of treasury regulatory compliance and reporting

​Compliance might not always be top of mind in large…

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A Closer Look at the Cross-Currency Basis

Market data comes from a market data provider. Well, usually.…

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Treasury real time cash visibility

What is treasury cash visibility? Cash visibility refers to the…

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Why your organization benefits from artificial intelligence and machine learning

The recent introduction of ChatGPT and similar artificial intelligence (AI)…

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Boost efficiency with treasury management system

A treasury management system (TMS) is specialized software crafted to…

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Today’s CFO: the tech fueled evolution of financial leadership

The challenges of the pandemic and fragile global supply chains,…

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​Strategic insights into efficient bank relationship management

​In the wake of increased scrutiny of corporate finances, there…

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​​Mastering treasury risk management: strategies and solutions

​When disruptions threaten the status quo, treasury management becomes an…

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effective cash flow management

​​The art of effective cash flow management

Effective cash management is crucial for any business. It is…

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Understanding treasury management: a comprehensive guide

The basics of treasury management Treasury management is vital for…

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Augmenting cash flow forecasting with machine learning

Cash forecasting is a challenging discipline. Depending on the organization,…

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How central banks can mitigate operational risk

Originally published on openlink.com in 2018. Updated August 2023. While…

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Why corporates must consider cash flow at risk (CFaR)

In today’s dynamic business environment, corporates must prioritize financial risk…

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Why should large corporates consider in-house banking?

Large companies are always looking to improve their asset management…

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Demystifying CVA, CECL, and ECL: Understanding accounting for expected credit loss

The concept of market value attributed to the counterparty credit…

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Turning treasury into a profit center

In modern times, technology has proven itself the enabler for…

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How IFRS 9 can impact your financial reporting

The IFRS 9 standard adoption became effective on 01 January…

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fx risk management

From risk to reward: Managing FX risks efficiently

Foreign exchange (FX) risks can be a nightmare for global…

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pricing credit risk

Pricing credit risk with cutting-edge precision

Challenging conditions on financial and labor markets, affect both corporates…

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3 steps to efficient FX exposure netting

FX risks are hedged in one way or the other…

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Bank relationships: How to prepare for an annual bank meeting

Building a good customer-bank-relationship In addition to working closely with…

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10 fundamental questions every Risk Manager should review regularly

As a Risk Manager, one of your primary responsibilities is…

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Top 3 reasons to start using a TMS now

Managing financial risk is critical to any business, especially in…

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Payment hub: Simplify payment complexities

Company growth, new company acquisitions, and expansion into new regions…

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cash forecasting automation

Treasury nightmares: cash forecasting with spreadsheets

Picture this: your CFO needs a cash forecast for next…

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Treasury automation: The next level of treasury reporting

Treasury management systems (TMS) standardize and automate cash, payments, treasury,…

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ISO 20022 messaging: FAQs answered by the ION Treasury experts

This article was updated on 31 October 2022. This article…

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TMS and ERP systems: How new technologies improve the system integration

An Enterprise Resource Planning system (ERP) helps manage a company’s…

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ISO 2022 Featured Image

ISO 20022: How the new standard impacts financial institutions, corporates, and technology providers

Financial institutions across the globe have started their journey to…

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Cloud treasury management solutions on the rise

Treasury teams use technology to control the financial operations across…

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What are APIs and how can treasury use them?

There is a lot of discussion and interest around APIs.…

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Integrating your treasury system and MMF portal

Money Market Funds (MMFs) are popular short-term investments. As trade…

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Open banking: quo vadis?

Open banking initiatives were started around the world to increase…

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Cash forecasting: faster and more accurate through treasury technology

Cash forecasting is essential. Everybody has to do it. For…

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Payment fraud: How machine learning can help protect your company

Around 47% of companies have been a victim of payment…

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Treasury technology: Why a modern user interface matters

Let’s say it’s your first time accessing the new Treasury…

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Key factors to consider when choosing your TMS

Undeniably, the treasury function of any business is vital. Corporates…

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How technology helps automate FX risk management

In the last 18 months, the COVID-19 pandemic has underscored…

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10 ways an inaccurate cash forecast can hurt your business

10 ways an inaccurate cash forecast can hurt your business

Treasury is becoming a more integral part of the strategic…

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Why you should stop running your treasury on spreadsheets tile

Why you should stop running your treasury on spreadsheets

Why you should stop running your treasury on spreadsheets Many…

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Webinar wrapup featured image

Webinar wrap-up: Why UPS implemented a SaaS TMS

More businesses are choosing cloud for their treasury and risk…

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From Accountant to Treasurer: Where does treasury begin?

By definition, treasury involves the management of money and financial…

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How rising interest rates change corporate borrowing image

How rising interest rates change corporate borrowing

The yield on 10-year US Treasury bonds rose from 0.9%…

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How Machine Learning improves cash forecasting

COVID-19 has led to great uncertainty. Creating accurate cashflow forecasts…

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IBOR reform: facts, dates, implications, and how ION can help image

IBOR reform: facts, dates, implications, and how ION can help

Interbank Offered Rates (IBOR) were published daily for multiple currencies…

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4 ways a treasury management system can help better navigate COVID-19 image

4 ways a treasury management system can help better navigate COVID-19

Imagine living through the COVID-19 pandemic without technology. You wouldn’t…

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Confronting the challenges of cash flow forecasting

Cash flow forecasting is an essential treasury process. As faster…

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Treasury management systems and treasury transformation projects

Since the early 2000s, the rise in the treasurer’s profile…

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