KYC6 Monitor API 3.0

Table of contents

Setting Up Worklists

Worklists are created within the monitoring system to allow your monitor records to be logically grouped. Worklists have a number of configuration options that allow you to change the monitoring behaviour. When creating a worklist the following fields can be set:

  • Worklist ID: This is the ID that you’ll use for subsequent calls to the API when referring to this worklist.
  • Worklist Name: The human readable label of your worklist.
  • Frequency: The frequency with which the monitor records will screen.
  • Datasets: Provide a list of the datasets that should be screened. See Monitor Datasets for the full list available.
  • dobMatching: This field controls how accurate the date of birth matching should be.
  • Threshold: This is the minimum matching score allowed for matches.

Here is an example to create a worklist with ID WL-1:

curl --silent --location --request PUT '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'x-api-key: xxx' \
--data-raw '{
  "name": "High Risk Profiles - 1",
  "threshold": 85,
  "frequency": "daily",
  "dobMatching": "withinThreeYears",
  "datasets": [
    "SAN", "PEP"

Important Notes

  • If any of the worklist settings are changed, the changes will only take effect from the next scheduled screening. Any records already in the worklist will be rescreened and matches updated accordingly.
  • If a match that was previously created is no longer a match following changes to the worklist there are two outcomes:
    • If the match has not had any dispositions/comments from the client then the match will be deleted.
    • If there is any history on the match such as a client comment or disposition, the match will not be deleted.
  • WARNING: If you delete a worklist, all of the monitor records in the worklist will be permanently deleted, including any matches or comments previously worked on. This action cannot be undone as this is a hard delete operation required for data protection.

Notification Emails

It is possible to register for email notifications that will send a summary email when the monitoring completes. If an email address is added to mutiple worklists, the user will only receive a single email notification containing the summary for all their worklists.

Here is an example adding an email address to a worklist:

curl --silent --location --request PUT ' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--header 'x-api-key: xxx' \
--data-raw '{
  "email": "[email protected]"