Getting the Match Summary
Once the monitoring has run, you can query the worklist endpoint to get a summary of the number of open matches pending review. Here’s an example of the call:
The response would look like this:
- “monitorRecordsCount”: 2 – This indicates there are 2 individual monitor records in the requested worklist.
- “openMonitorRecordsCount”: 1 – This indicates that, in the worklist specified, there is 1 monitor record that has at least 1 open match associated with it.
- “openMatchesCount”: 1 – In the worklist specified, there is a total of 1 open match across all the monitor records to be reviewed.
- “falsePositiveMatchesCount”: 0, “truePositiveMatchesCount”: 0 – This summarizes how many existing matches, in the worklist specified, have been closed as either false positive or true positive.
Matches per Monitor Record
In order to review the matches for a monitor record you need to call the API endpoint that will fetch the matches. Note that the API will return all matches for a given monitor record, not just the open ones. The below example shows how to retrieve the matches for a monitor record with Id “MR-1” in worklist “WL-1”.
The list of matches will look something like this:
The list shows the summaries of the matches much like you would see if you were looking at a list of matches from a search. You can fetch the full ARI profile using the resourceId.