Query parameters
Below is a sample selection of the most commonly used query parameters. The full list of query parameters for the Acuris Intelligence API are available via the Swagger pages.
Get all items where a specific entity – identified by its internal ID – is associated to the intelligence as the Target, Bidder, Vendor, Issuer or in other roles including advisory positions.
‘dominantCountry’, ‘dominantState’
In order to get all items that are relevant for a specific geography you can use the ‘dominantCountry’ and the ‘dominantState’ parameters. ‘dominantState’ support is for USA states and Canadian provinces. The example below shows how to get all intelligence that are relevant for Alaska.
Get all items that are relevant for a specific industry. The industry classification is according to Acuris proprietary categorisation. The example below shows how to query intelligence relevant for the leisure sector.
‘hqCountryInCompanyRole’, ‘hqStateInCompanyRole’, ‘hqPostcodeInCompanyRole’
Use any of these three query parameters, or a combination of them, when you want to be very specific in finding intelligence for companies in a defined geographic location and a certain role. For example to get all articles where the target company is HQ in Texas USA.
‘intelligenceType’, ‘intelligenceSubtype’, ‘topic’
To get intelligence pertaining to a specific matter use any or all of these parameters. ‘topic’ is more granular than ‘intelligenceSubtype’, which is more granular than ‘intelligenceType’. The example below shows how to find all intelligence for company for sale with private equity involvement.
To get only intelligence that is proprietary content of Acuris and not from public sources, set this parameter to ‘true’.
‘ownershipStake’ and ‘monetarySizeBand’
Use the ‘ownershipStake’ parameter to query intelligence based on the percentage-range acquired. The ranges are defined as ” Minority (i.e. between 10% and 29% inclusive)” (‘prime-minority’), and ” Majority (i.e. more than 30% inclusive)” (‘prime-majority’). In the response of the API, the stake threshold might be further quantified, where available, by the percentage and its value. The following query, for example, returns all intelligence where the stake acquired is above 30% inclusive.
Use the ‘monetarySizeBand’ parameter to query intelligence based on the range in monetary value of an opportunity.
The bands are “smallest” (e.g. under 5 m USD), “smaller”, “small”, “medium”, and “large” (e.g above 500 m USD).
For example, the following query returns all intelligence where the size is above 500 m USD.
To limit the intelligence search to a specific Acuris product, when your subscription includes multiple, use the ‘product’ parameter. This example limits the result-set to content generated by Mergermarket.
‘publishDateFrom’, ‘publishDateTo’
To get intelligence that’s been published in a specific timeframe, you can set the lower and upper date and time limit. For example the query below returns all articles published in the first half of 2020 use the query below.
To run a generic free-text query on the intelligence, use the ‘q’ parameter: