The list of query parameters for the Private Equity Data API is available via the Swagger pages. Following, is a sample selection of the most commonly used query parameters.
This parameter is supported in the /activePortfolio and /exits APIs endpoints. When used, it returns specific private equity firms – identified by their internal ID – and the associated holdings or exits. Multiple IDs can be used for both endpoints.
Use the ‘peHouseName’ query parameter to get specific private equity firms – identified by their name – and the associated holdings or exits depending on the endpoint used. This parameter is only available for /activePortfolio and /exits endpoints, and accepts a single name.
Use the percentage encoding standard for string, e.g. space encoded as %20, to yield better results.
“Begin With” and partial matching is the default logic applied. For example, searching “ION%20Group” will match both “ION Group” and “Ionics Inc.”.
To get the overview of a specific private equity firm, including the list of funds, you can call the /privateEquity endpoint and pass the internal ID of the sponsor (prime-ID).
For example, the activePortfolio API response shows the “prime-ID” of each private equity firm:
{ "hits": 1, "results": [ { "id": "prime-2565", "name": "BC Partners Limited",
To get the overview of BC Partners Limited, use its “prime-ID”, like so:
This parameter is supported in the /activePortfolio and /exits APIs endpoints. When used it returns all private equity firms that have the company – identified by its internal ID – as current holding or realized investment, depending on the endpoint used. Multiple IDs can be used for both endpoints.
Use the ‘companyName’ query parameter to get the list of private equity firms that have a specific company – identified by its name – in their current portfolio, or exits. This parameter is only available for /activePortfolio and /exits endpoints, and accepts a single name. For example:
Use the percentage encoding standard for string, e.g. space encoded as %20, to yield better results. “Begin With” and partial matching is the default logic applied to the entity’s name and entity’s aliases. For example, searching “ION%20Group” will match both “ION Group” and “Ionics Inc.”.