Private Equity Data API

Table of contents

The list of query parameters for the Private Equity Data API is available via the Swagger pages. Following, is a sample selection of the most commonly used query parameters.


This parameter is supported in the /activePortfolio and /exits APIs endpoints. When used, it returns specific private equity firms – identified by their internal ID – and the associated holdings or exits. Multiple IDs can be used for both endpoints.

curl -H 'x-api-key: PUBLIC_API_KEY'


Use the ‘peHouseName’ query parameter to get specific private equity firms – identified by their name – and the associated holdings or exits depending on the endpoint used. This parameter is only available for /activePortfolio and /exits endpoints, and accepts a single name.
Use the percentage encoding standard for string, e.g. space encoded as %20, to yield better results.

curl -H 'x-api-key: PUBLIC_API_KEY'

“Begin With” and partial matching is the default logic applied. For example, searching “ION%20Group” will match both “ION Group” and “Ionics Inc.”.


To get the overview of a specific private equity firm, including the list of funds, you can call the /privateEquity endpoint and pass the internal ID of the sponsor (prime-ID).
For example, the activePortfolio API response shows the “prime-ID” of each private equity firm:

"hits": 1,
"results": [
"id": "prime-2565",
"name": "BC Partners Limited",

To get the overview of BC Partners Limited, use its “prime-ID”, like so:

curl -H 'x-api-key: PUBLIC_API_KEY'


This parameter is supported in the /activePortfolio and /exits APIs endpoints. When used it returns all private equity firms that have the company – identified by its internal ID – as current holding or realized investment, depending on the endpoint used. Multiple IDs can be used for both endpoints.

curl -H 'x-api-key: PUBLIC_API_KEY'


Use the ‘companyName’ query parameter to get the list of private equity firms that have a specific company – identified by its name – in their current portfolio, or exits. This parameter is only available for /activePortfolio and /exits endpoints, and accepts a single name. For example:

curl -H 'x-api-key: PUBLIC_API_KEY'

Use the percentage encoding standard for string, e.g. space encoded as %20, to yield better results. “Begin With” and partial matching is the default logic applied to the entity’s name and entity’s aliases. For example, searching “ION%20Group” will match both “ION Group” and “Ionics Inc.”.