Merger Review Timeline API details


The Merger Review Timeline API is the only feed that lets you analyze the behavior of over 150 regulatory bodies globally, using our proprietary dataset of more than 12,000 regulatory events. 

If you want to understand whether a M&A can be derailed by a regulatory body you know little of, or if an agency has unexpectedly started investigating a deal you are playing and you need to factor it in your strategy, the timeline API is the source you need to adjust your risk score. 

By looking at the history of regulatory events through the agency lens, you have the opportunity to build models on behavioral patterns, you can estimate the speed through which the regulator moves deals through different phases, or look at the most commonly requested remedies. 

By overlay this behavioral model to the information on the historical transactions from the Merger Review Deals API, you can obtain a unique picture that combines the peculiarities of each M&A with the overall process that is likely to happen. 

For each regulatory event, this API provides you with information on the regulator, it’s jurisdiction, and general data on the proceedingThe main regulatory event information includes the date of completion, outcome, remedies, and the timeline of merger review phases. 

The Acuris Merger Review APIs set provides the data necessary to anticipate successfully the outcome of an announced M&A, and find favorable risk/return factors to inform your investment strategy. 

The Merger Review APIs are part of the ION Analytics APIs ecosystem, and in combination with other feeds constitute the essential tool-kit to improve portfolio risk analysis and inform investment strategies with hard data. 

The API is delivered over HTTPS, conforms to RESTful principles, and returns JSON objects. 

Global, main regulators
Archive size
Over 12,000 regulatory events
Archive history
Since 2001
Information source
Acuris Research
Content type
Merger review regulatory event details
Delivery protocol
Authentication type
Long lived API token
Response format
Update frequency
Point in time