You can use the following query to return all clauses.
The q parameter enables Boolean filtering of the response using combinations of metadata points and text searches. Expressions take the form of field:value pairs separated by spaces and the Boolean terms AND, OR, NOT. Parenthesis () can be used to logically group terms together. A full list of fields available is under [link – Query fields] in the Query Parameters section.
The clauseText field is unique in that it enables you enter additional text search Boolean within its value pairing.
issueDate, transactionSize and coupon fields can be queried by date range, an asterisk * wild card can be used to express maximum upper or lower limit.
Reference data
For a given field, a full reference of names and corresponding ids can be accessed under its reference data endpoint. For example, for a full list of countries and corresponding id numbers, you can use the following:
To search within reference data, use the name parameter. For example, the following will match all companies with the string ‘voda’ anywhere in their name:
Results are returned by the API in blocks of maximum 100 items per page. A page size of 20 or less is recommended for performance. To navigate to the nextPage, you can use the link found in the paging section found at the end of the payload.
Alternatively, to go to a specific page, you can use the pageToken parameter: