M&A Deals API

Table of contents

Query parameters

Below is a sample selection of the most commonly used query parameters. The full list of query parameters for the Acuris M&A Deals API are available via the Swagger pages.

‘companyName’, ‘companyNameInRole’, ‘companyIDInRole’

The ‘companyName’ query parameter returns all deals where the specified name is found as the target, buyer/bidder, vendor company or advisory firm to any of the aforementioned roles.


To find deals where a company has been playing a specific role you can use the ‘companyNameInRole’ parameter.  You can also use the entity’s unique internal identifier with ‘companyIDInRole’ query parameter.


‘dominantCountry’, ‘dominantState’

In order to get all items that are relevant for a specific geography you can use the ‘dominantCountry’ and the ‘dominantState’ parameters.  ‘dominant State’ support is for USA states and Canadian provinces. The example below shows how to get all the deals that are relevant for Alaska.



Get all items that are relevant for a specific industry. The industry classification is according to Acuris proprietary categorization. The example below shows how to query deals relevant for the leisure sector.



Use ‘dealType’ to query for the type of transaction. The example below returns all ‘buy-and-build’ deals.


‘dateFrom’, ‘dateTo’

To get deals announced or completed in a specific time frame, you can set the lower and upper date limit. For example the query below returns all deals expected, announced or completed in the first half of 2020.



The ‘status’ parameter allows to query for deals in a specific stage of the M&A lifecycle: expected, announced, completed. It can be used in combination with ‘dateFrom’ and ‘dateTo’ in order to narrow down on a specific date range. For example the query below returns all deals completed in the first half of 2020.


‘valueType’, ‘valueCurrency’

To find all deals where a certain value type is available, e.g. Net Debt – you must use ‘valueType’ and ‘valueCurrency’. For example the query below will return all transaction where Net Debt in USD is available.


‘valueFrom’, ‘valueTo’

To find deals where the desired value type is equal or greater than a specific threshold use ‘valueFrom’, and to find deals where the value is equal or lower than a certain threshold use ‘valueTo’.  If ‘valueType’ is not specified the range will be matched against Deal Value.  The example below returns all deals where the Net Debt is between 100M and 500M USD.


‘stakeFrom’, ‘stakeTo’

You can define the value of ‘stakeFrom’ and ‘stakeTo’ to find all deals where only a certain stake of the target was acquired. The example below returns all deals where the stake acquired in the target company is less or equal to 39% and the Net Debt is between 100M and 500M USD



To run a generic free-text query on the deal, use the ‘q’ parameter.
