Query parameters
‘fullName’, ‘firstName’, ‘middleName’, ‘lastName’
You can use any of these query parameters to search individuals by their name. Where available our research team captures the first, middle and last name of the individual, each can be search separately using ‘firstName’, ‘middleName’ and ‘lastName’ respectively, or as a single item using ‘fullName’. The default matching is ‘partial match’.
‘country’, ‘state’, ‘city’, ‘postcode’
To search for individual within a specific geographic area, you can define the country, state, city and postcode.
‘companyName’, ‘companyId’
You can use ‘companyName’ to get all individuals associated by our research team with an entity by name, the default match is ‘partial match’. If you already have a company identifier, you can pass it to ‘companyId’.
Search for individuals who have given role in at least one company.
Using the company name or id in conjunction with this parameter limits results to individuals belonging to the company AND having given role in it.
Total wealth bracket of an individual, from affluent to ultra rich.
Wealth brackets definition | USD | EUR | GBP |
Affluent | < USD 1.35m | < EUR 1.00m | < GBP 0.80m |
Very Affluent | USD 1.35 – 4.73m | EUR 1.00 – 3.50m | GBP 0.80 – 2.80m |
Ultra Affluent | USD 4.73 – 6.75m | EUR 3.50 – 5.00m | GBP 2.80 – 4.00m |
HNW (High Net Worth) Affluent | USD 6.75 – 13.5m | EUR 5.00 – 10.0m | GBP 4.00 – 8.00m |
Very HNW | USD 13.5 – 27.0m | EUR 10.0 – 20.0m | GBP 8.00 – 16.0m |
Ultra HNW | USD 27.0 – 40.5m | EUR 20.0 – 30.0m | GBP 16.0 – 24.0m |
Rich | USD 40.5 – 54.0m | EUR 30.0 – 40.0m | GBP 24.0 – 32.0m |
Very Rich | USD 54.0 – 67.5m | EUR 40.0 – 50.0m | GBP 32.0 – 40.0m |
Ultra Rich | > USD 67.5m | > EUR 50.0m | > GBP 40.0m |
‘wealthValueFrom’, ‘wealthValueTo’, ‘wealthValueCurrency’
These parameters allow you to refine your search on individuals with total wealth value within a specific range (in millions).
‘fuzzySearch’, ‘exactSearch’
‘fuzzySearch’ allows you to match company and individuals name (any part of it) with degrees of discrepancy, e.g. “Payton” will also match “Payson”. If you want an exact string match then use ‘exactSearch’.
The ‘q’ query parameter allows you to run a free text search across all the information of a profile. For example the query below can be used to find all individuals interested in ‘fine wines’. Free text search should be encoded according to the percent-encoding standard, e.g. ‘&’ as ‘%26’.
‘lastPublishedFrom’, ‘lastPublishedTo’
You can use either of these parameters to find individual profiles published within a certain date range.
You can retrieve the list of all companies associated to an individual in our database. To do so use the individual’s prime-id number and append ‘/companies’ to the query.