Individuals and Wealth Liquidity Events API details
The Acuris High Net Worth Individuals (HNWI) Liquidity Events API gives you access to our exclusive archive of over 300,000 fully researched profiles of HNW individuals, owners, shareholders, and executives.
The liquidity event information includes:
- Date.
- Value.
- Type and details.
Frequently asked questions
What data is included in the API?
The Acuris Individual API comprise a set of 3 APIs each with a specific sub-set of data. Each includes all the relevant structured meta-data related to the individual, the wealth profile and the liquidity events.
Is the content of the API different from the product?
The content available through the API is the same content available through the web products.
Is there a limit to the amount of data I can download, or the number of queries I can run via the API?
Through the API you have access to the full data set you are entitled to by your product subscription, and there is no limit to the number of queries you can run.
What are the parameters I can use to query the API?
The API supports a wide range of query parameters, for the complete list visit the Swagger documentation. Examples of query parameters are free-text, name, address and wealth.