How to query
You can use the query below to get the latest document for the given ISIN:
The ‘classification:104’ in the API call relates to the Prospectuses, Memoranda & Particulars (debt) search criteria.
The ‘limit=1’ is the same as saying return the latest document – because the default date sort is descending the first document is always the latest.
Removing the classification and altering the limit parameter from the query string will return all docs for that ISIN:
Company search by SEDOL number
The example below shows how you can query the API using a company’s SEDOL number:
The response includes the matching company name it’s ID, some default search query requests for all documents, and recent documents for that company.
Custom queries
If you wanted to search for a specific company and documents related to that company – for example Investor presentations and transcripts OR Annual reports – you could perform that in one of two ways: either by using the ‘documentTypes’ method or ‘classification’ method.
The latter provides more granular flexibility, as shown in this example:
The above translates to:
Give me all documents for the company FLEXIGROUP LTD, ‘(company:452295)’
Annual Reports, which are documents that have both Annual Results and Reports as their classification type, ‘(classification:348 and classification:371)’
Investor Presentations and Transcripts, which are documents that have any of Co-filings, Equity, Debt or M&A as their classification type, ‘(classification:801 or classification:802 or classification:803 or classification:804)’
Sorted by
Issue Date descending, ‘(&sort=date)’.
Remember that in the response, Annual Results (348) and Reports (371) make up the document group Annual Reports, and for Investor Presentations and Transcripts you will need all four of Co-filings (801), Equity (802), Debt (803), and M&A (804).
Narrowing by date
If you only want to see documents that were issued after ‘2015-01-01’ you can narrow down your result list by adding an ‘issueDate’ parameter: