KYC6 Search API 3.0

Table of contents

Searching for a Business

Similar to searching for an Individual, when searching for a Business, these are the mandatory fields that must be provided in the search payload:

  • name : The name of the Business you are searching for.
  • datasets : See Searchable Datasets below for more information.

Additional fields that can be provided will help the matching algorithm to produce stronger results.

  • countries : Provide a list of ISO country codes. The algorithm will search in the addresses of the Business profiles for matches. A match will only be produced if the profile matches one of the specified countries.
  • countryRequired: If you perform a search with a country, setting this to true will omit search results where there is no country.
  • threshold : This is the minimum matching score of the profiles you are searching for. If the match score is lower than this threshold, the profile will not be returned in the results.
  "name": "Trump Organisation",
  "datasets": [
  "threshold": 90,
  "countries": [
Example Search Payload

Results of a Search

The result of the search will include some basic information about the profile – enough for you to identify whether or not the match is in fact the profile you searched for.

Important notes:

  • The name field tells you the primary name on the ARI profile. The match field tells you the name on the profile that was used to produce the match. If the two values are different it means that the match was on an alias of the profile.
  • The resourceId is the field that you will use to access the full profile from the API. See “Retrieving a Business Profile” below.
  • The datasets list will indicate which are the active datasets the profile is tagged in. See Profile Active Datasets for more information.
    "results": {
        "matchCount": 2,
        "matches": [
                "qrCode": "519384",
                "resourceId": "3a7fcfd87cf577f1ed3419f924890bf94eb661a47b5fb520c4abb96be86cca12",
                "resourceUri": "/businesses/3a7fcfd87cf577f1ed3419f924890bf94eb661a47b5fb520c4abb96be86cca12",
                "score": 100,
                "match": "Trump Organisation",
                "name": "The Trump Organization Incorporated",
                "countries": [
                "datasets": [
                "profileId": "806012",
                "resourceId": "ffb26b9d3dc1b001fa7aefde97cfb02692398532a71e4704a0dca3ce2fe9e77b",
                "resourceUri": "/businesses/ffb26b9d3dc1b001fa7aefde97cfb02692398532a71e4704a0dca3ce2fe9e77b",
                "score": 90,
                "match": "Trump U.",
                "name": "Trump University",
                "countries": [
                "datasets": [
Example Search Result Payload

Retrieving a Business Profile

From the list of search results, it is possible to retrieve the full Business profile by performing a query using the provided resourceId.


For example:

curl --request GET '' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--header 'x-api-key: a25066789a7f823b3b863b4b84a8fca7'

When you query the API using the above URI (Uniform Resource Identifier), you will receive all the data fields associated with the Business profile.