Using Evidence
When a full profile is retrieved, you will see a list of all the profile’s evidence in a root node called “evidences” as seen in the below example:
Throughout the profile you will see lists of “evidenceIds” like in the Insolvency example below that can be used to find the evidence from the evidences list that is relevant to the entry.
The dataset list that can be seen on the evidence indicates the context in which the evidence is used on the profile and should not be used to determine the active datasets of the profile. Below are the lists of possible values for these dataset flags:
Note that evidence will never be tagged with the top-level datasets such as PEP, SAN or SOE and it is possible to see evidence used in multiple different datasets including, for example, the combination of PEP-CURRENT and PEP-FORMER at the same time.
Dataset Key | Description |
PEP-CURRENT | Current Politically Exposed Person |
PEP-FORMER | Former Politically Exposed Person |
PEP-LINKED | Politically Exposed Person by association |
SAN-CURRENT | Current Sanctions |
SAN-FORMER | Former Sanctions |
RRE | Reputational Risk Exposure |
REL | Regulatory Enforcement List |
POI | Profiles of Interest |
GRI | Gambling Risk Intelligence |
DD | Disqualified Director |
INS | Insolvency Register |
ID | Identity – Evidence with this tag was used to augment the profile with core metadata |
CORP | Corporate/Business – Evidence with this tag was used to augment the profile with core metadata. |
Dataset Key | Description |
PEP-LINKED | Linked to a Politically Exposed Persons |
SAN-CURRENT | Current Sanctions |
SAN-FORMER | Former Sanctions |
RRE | Reputation Risk Exposure |
REL | Regulatory Enforcement Lists |
POI | Profiles of Interest |
GRI | Gambling Risk Intelligence |
INS | Insolvency |
SOE-CURRENT | Current State-Owned Enterprises |
SOE-FORMER | Former State-Owned Enterprises |
ID | Identity – Evidence with this tag was used to augment the profile with core metadata |
CORP | Corporate/Business – Evidence with this tag was used to augment the profile with core metadata |