BDL Development Markets Sentiment API details


The Acuris Equity Signals Developed Markets API gives you live push of Indicator event messages. These messages are an effective and uncorrelated alpha signal for stocks based on systematically evaluating trade ideas, earnings cycle data, and our insight into contributor and idea performance.

The indicators event includes information like: 

  • Instrument details 
  • Indicator value 
  • Alpha components values 
  • Idea volume 

The API supports a wide set of “as-at” mapping identifiers, allowing you to use the data with confidence in your quantitative models. 

Archive size
170,000 ideas
Archive history
Since 2018
Information source
Equities brokers, dealers, IRPs
Content type
Equity Trade Signals
Delivery protocol
Authentication type
Token authentication
Response format
Update frequency
Real time publishing
Point in time

Frequently asked questions

When did Acuris Equity Signals Developed Markets go live?

Developed Markets Sentiment went live on January 8, 2021

Which countries are included in Developed Markets Signal?

The signal covers 23 countries in six regions: North America, Europe (ex UK), United Kingdom, Japan, Asia (ex Japan), and Australia and NZ. 

Why have we chosen HTTP Long Polling and event sourcing as our distribution API?

Previously this was not the case and our first version was an actual push rather than a logical push. Our learning from this was that most clients preferred to have as much control as possible. Long polling with a consistent event numbering achieves this and gives a good tradeoff between latency and simplicity. 

You own the checkpoint, giving you the freedom to replay events at any time, bootstrap new systems without depending on us, and removes the need for reconciliation processes. 

You can also upgrade your clients without depending on us to update any configuration – you don’t have to give us access to your systems making them more secure. 

How do we ensure that it goes out to all buy-sides at same time?

Open long poll connections are all treated equally, so when a new event is received it is pushed to all open connections. Whilst there can be small differences on individual messages, on average delays will be equally distributed across clients. 

What is the uptime/availability of your system?

In the last 6 months we had more than four nines availability outside of scheduled maintenance windows (which are always outside trading hours). 

Where is the API hosted?

We run in two DCs in London (Equinix and Digital Realty).