M&A Deals API

Table of contents

How to query

You can use the query below to get the deals matching your API subscription:

curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' https://api.acuris.com/deals

You can query the API for specific criteria by adding one or more parameters to the API call. The response will only include deals matching at least one of the criteria specified.

Multiple criteria are interpreted using AND condition, whereas multiple values for the same criteria are interpreted with OR condition. For example to get all deals completed on or after the 1 January 2020 AND with dominant country USA, use:

curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' https://api.acuris.com/deals/?status=completed&dateFrom=2020-01-01&dominantCountry=prime-USA

To get all deals in the energy OR utilities sectors, use:

curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' https://api.acuris.com/deals?dominantSector=prime-energy,prime-utilities

To get a single deal, you need to pass the deal’s ID to the query:

curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' https://api.acuris.com/deals/prime-1069523


Results are returned by the API in blocks of 20 items per page. The position of the first item in the active response is identified by the value ‘firstCursor’ and the value ‘lastCursor’ identifies the position of the last item of the active response:

   "hits": 72446,    
   "results": [
    "firstCursor": "MjAyMDA4MTAxMTAwNDIwMDBwcmltZS0zMDg0MjU3.57053024",
    "lastCursor": "MjAyMDA4MTAxMTAwMDkyODdpbnRlbGNtcy1tNGN0Y3g=.34b9330d"

To paginate through the whole response you have to use the query parameters ‘pageAfter’ and ‘pageBefore’.

Passing the value of ‘lastCursor’ to ‘pageAfter’ in the API query will yield the next 20 items:

curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' https://api.acuris.com/deals?pageAfter=MjAyMDA4MTAxMTAwMDkyODdpbnRlbGNtcy1tNGN0Y3g=.34b9330d

Passing the value of ‘firstCursor’  to ‘pageBefore’ in the API query  will yield the previous 20 items:

curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' https://api.acuris.com/deals?pageBefore=MjAyMDA4MTAxMTAwNDIwMDBwcmltZS0zMDg0MjU3.57053024

When there are no pages left to return, the response will look similar to the following:

   "hits": 2020, 
   "results": [], 
   "lastCursor": "MTU1MzY0NDgwMDAwMF85MjA0OTU=.11ee9c92"