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How to query

The Dealogic SPAC API accepts OData protocols (to learn more see the OData documentation). 

You can use the following query to get all the SPACs sending your access token: 

curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN' 

Every request should contain the authorization header but from now on the documentation shows the example URLs only. 

Note that for better yielding results, all strings should be encoded using the percent-encoding standard where, for example, space is encoded as %20 and dollar sign ($) as %24 like in the queries above. 

All the standard OData Functions such as String, Date and Math (to learn more visit the 4.5. Filter System Query Options paragraph of OData documentation) are also supported by the API. 

For example, to find the SPACs whose names are like Churchill, use: 

You can query the API for specific criteria by adding one or more parameters to the API call.  

Multiple criteria are interpreted using AND condition, whereas multiple values for the same criteria are interpreted with OR condition. For example, to get all SPACs with an IPO value over $500m AND who have completed an acquisition, use: 

To get all SPACs who has not completed their acquisition yet AND looking to buy in Europe AND targeting the Computers and Electronics industry, use: 

To get a single SpacEntry, you need to pass the SpacEntry’s ID to the query: 

To search for a specific SPAC by identifier, you can filter on the companyIdipoId or mnaId: 

Reference data

The static reference data on Dealogic SPAC API is the following: Location, DealogicIndustry and SpecialisedIndustry. They all have their own endpoints where you can retrieve them. For example to get all DealogicIndustries, use: 


Results can be returned by the API in blocks of any specified number of records per page from any specified positionThe $top” and “$skip” OData parameters allow you to paginate through the response. 

For example, if you want to paginate through the SpacEntries by 10 records then this is your first page: 

To get to the second page $skip should be increased by 10: 

To get to the third page $skip should be increased by 10 again (resulting 20) and so on. In general, to get to the next page use the expression: $skip = <current skip> + $top. 

The $count OData parameter returns the total number of records that you should paginate through. 

It is strongly recommended to use these $top and $skip parameters instead of getting all the records in one request which might have significant performance impact.