APIs & data feeds
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Individuals and Wealth Liquidity Events API
A detailed breakdown of dates, values and types of liquidity events contributing to the overall wealth of high net worth individuals, shareholders, owners, and executives.
Individuals and Wealth Profile API
Over 300,000 fully researched profiles of high net worth individuals, shareholders, owners and executives tracked since 1998.
Individuals and Wealth Search API
Search ION Analytics' exclusive data set of over 300,000 fully researched profiles of HNW individuals, shareholders, owners and executives.
Intelligence API
Real-time intelligence, analysis, and research-driven insights from ION Analytics' leading financial publications.
M&A Deals API
Database of over 400,000 expected, announced, completed, and lapsed M&A deals tracked since 1998.
Entities API
Search over 1M records of private and public companies, advisory firms, sponsors, institutional investors, regulatory bodies and agencies, assets, and private investors.